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So you made it here and for some reason you wanted to know more about the life of the one typing this blog. Well who can blame you, I wanna know too! 

I believe that no one is ever the same moment to moment since change is the only constant but here are some of my current truths: my name is Kari. I am a single mother of two wonderful ladies. I'm currently living in Massachusetts. Originally born in the mitten state (MI). I love reading mostly fantasy, cartoons mostly anime, horror movies especially the bad ones, epic kung-fu movies, kitties, fiber especially fresh sheared wool all stinky from the farm, cooking/baking and very very spicy food. I am ridiculously curious and will read or watch anything. I love dissecting and have put serious thought into becoming a medical examiner. I even went to college and got a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with that thought in mind. I love Irish and English accents and plan on moving overseas at some point. I love dragons, sweaty knights and my favorite movie is Excalibur. All in all I love this journey I'm on and I have decided that growing up is not something that I ever want to do. 

Ewe So Pretty's initial conception was brought about by a love of all things related to fiber. Since I have very sensitive hands, quality fiber is important to me. Wool is my fiber of choice with Alpaca as a steady second. I love wool's wide range of adaptability and the endless possibilities for which you can use it.  I have often dreamt of creating a crafting business but in the meantime this blog will be a reflection of the fanatical crafter on her path to fulfilling her dreams on project at a time.

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